Sion Jenkins is the individual being looked for the deadly manslaughter of a 13-year-old kid in the last part of the 1990s.

He was detained for quite a long time until delivered on February ninth, 2006, on the grounds that there was deficient proof.

Sion Jenkins Wife Christina Ferneyhough Sion Jenkins and Christina Ferneyhough met when he was detained and later got hitched. While he was in prison, the woman was the person who recorded his exercises.

Christina was the person who brought back home the crown at the Miss Southsea Beauty Queen challenge.

Sion Jenkins’ better half, Christina Ferneyhough, marry the detainee with the understanding that he was not liable.

She really bent over backward to help Jenkins in escaping jail despite the fact that she realize that everybody was against him.

The couple is resolute on getting remuneration for the treacheries they experienced because of the unsuccessful labor of equity.

Sion Jenkins Daughters Now At the point when Bellie was killed by an iron gear assault in 1997, the detainee lived in Hastings with his ex Lois and four little girls.

The point by point data with respect to Sion’s organic girls is as yet unclear.

Then again, Billie-Jo Jenkins, Sion’s cultivate little girl, was brought up in East London at first.

Billie was set in child care since her mom couldn’t really like herself and her dad was in jail.

Where Could Sion Jenkins Now be? Along with his new spouse, Sion Jenkins as of now dwells in Hampshire.

In 2005, he marry his ongoing companion in the wake of separating from his most memorable spouse, Lois.

Jenkins appreciates walking around the seafront on the south coast, where he was a criminal science understudy.

Did Sion Jenkins Kill Billie Jo? Sion Jenkins, 63, was seen as liable in 1997 of killing his cultivate little girl Billie-Jo Jenkins. Be that as it may, after two ineffective retrials, he was in the long run seen as not blameworthy.

Billie-Jo Jenkins, a student from Sussex, was killed quite a while back at her home by an iron tent stake. Her case has become quite possibly of the most notable perplexing crime in the UK.

Subsequent to getting back from a shopping trip with two of his children, Annie and Charlotte, Sion informed the police that he had found Billie-Jo lying in a pool of blood on the porch.

The most contentious proof included infinitesimal blood beads found on Sion’s material.

More On Billie Jo Case Sion Jenkins’ kids and Billie Jo’s companions said that Sion was oppressive and had rebuffed them actually as they were growing up.

Billie Jo’s school companions said that she uncovered to them that Sion had struck her, scratched her neck, and once made an appearance to class with blood all over.

As per her classmates, she would habitually show up at school with wounds on her arms and legs, expressing they came about because of battles with her dad.

They affirmed that Billie Jo once expressed “Disdain” and “I can’t stand my father” on her knuckles.