Stalking may be difficult to comprehend but if you are experiencing alarming situations on at least more than two occasions, you are probably being stalked. If someone is lurking around your workplace or your neighborhood or the place you usually hang out, you are most probably being stalked. A “watcher” is normally another sort of a stalker who has information on you, your family, or your friends. A watcher can be caught if you are having doubts that someone may be photographing you. Some stalkers even go as far as hiring personal detectives to gather all information on you and your private life. If you recognize the same person in a crowd you are probably under surveillance. Another Signs of a Stalker that may cause an alarming Signs of a Stalker is repeated phone calls from a person or number that may not be in any of your social gatherings. Stalkers even often go to an extent to embarrass you or to get your attention by sending gifts to your home or workplace, they may often inform you of gifts through voicemails or calls as well. Some complex stalkers even tend to have a hero approach where they create situations such as the sudden flattening of a tire so they can act as a rescuer and get as close to their target as possible. This type of technique normally by a stalker is called “rescuing you”.

Ways of Stalking

Stalkers are looking for ways to interact with their victims. They might manipulate you into interacting by threatening them into harming themselves, forcing their victims to intervene. If you see such behaviors you should report them to the police immediately. Social media is a vast resource that is helping stalkers to scam you, threaten you, and see your public information through social apps. This cyber-crime stalking is not acceptable and most law enforcement agencies have cyber-crime units therefore internet stalking or harassment should be reported. Threats, violence unwanted contact are other common strategies used by stalkers. 

Numbers of Stalking 

Commonly women are more victimized by stalkers as compared to men. The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey state that approximately 18.3 million women in the United States are victims of stalkers. It is frightening when it comes down to 15.2% of the whole population. In comparison, men are immune to stalking when only around 5.7% of men have experienced stalking in their lifetime. let’s learn more about Signs of a Stalker

Signs of a Stalking Behavior

While stalking can take many forms, most of which are pleasant and friendly, it can also entail the following terrifying behaviors: 

The victim is followed around Contacting the victim with harassing messages, phone calls, emails, or lettersGetting private information about the victim through unlawful meansVandalizing the victim’s propertyKeeping a track of where the victim is both offline and onlineShowing up at different public places, usually where the victim goes for example; gymThreatening or harassing the victim, its friends, or familyBadmouthing the victim to sabotage their connections with othersSending gifts to the victim’s home or workplacePhysically assaulting the victim

What Motivates a Stalker?

Stalkers are motivated by a variety of factors, and their personality characteristics can vary greatly. Some stalkers seek vengeance, while others seek to exercise control over their target. Some stalkers have a strong need for connection but lack the intellectual and social skills necessary to form a genuine relationship with that person. After a study of 145 diagnosed stalkers Paul Ellen, an Australian psychiatrist came up with five stalker profiles:

The Rejected Stalker: seeking vengeance after a breakup, they turn to vindictive stalking behaviorThe Resentful Stalker: they see themselves as the victims of injustice and desire to retaliate against another personThe Intimacy Seeker: they might not know their victims well but they start to develop having feelings for their victim and pretend to have an actual relationship with the victim The Incompetent Stalker: they have the psychology that through stalking their victim will fall in love with themThe Predator Stalking: they are seeking some sort of power or control over their victim and often tend to physically or sexually assault them.

Stalkers tend to gain control over or have direct contact with their victims. Stalking in general has many purposes and one may even seem to stalk a person they might not know. Stalking can be threatening to multiple extents and is an unlawful behavior and has strict actions in many parts of the world where stalking is officially a crime. Any uncommon or strange signs that one might see around them can be alarming and should be reported immediately. Dealing with the stalker on your own or through personal contact can cause harm and can be dangerous for the victim. The victims must be aware of what is happening around them and should take serious action on stalking immediately. 

What is the most common type of stalking?

Ans. Simple Obsessional where a male usually stalks his ex-wife.

What are stalkers capable of?

Ans. By definition, stalkers are compulsive and dangerous. Always keep in mind that stalkers are capable of killing their victims.

Stalking differs from many other types of crime in which of the following ways?

Ans. It involves the attacker repeatedly victimizing the same person.

What accurately describes stalking?

Ans. Stalking is defined as recurrent and persistent harassment despite another person’s expressed wishes, resulting in emotional discomforts, such as anxiety or worry, in the targeted individual.