Should I Stop Watching My Ex Instagram Stories?

Yes. If viewing your ex’s Instagram Stories is harmful to your health, you should STOP watching it. Harmful in the sense that you spend hours thinking about their posts and lose time for doing other things while obsessing over their posts. If you are trying to move on from a bad relationship, 

Why You Should Stop Watching Your Ex Instagram Stories?

It Gives Them Power Over YouIt Makes You Look PatheticIt Prevents You From Moving OnEverything Is Not What It Seems

It Gives Them Power Over You

Take, for example, you just got out of a toxic relationship that completely messed you up. If you keep going back to watch your ex’s Instagram stories, you’re giving him the chance to manipulate you with their posts. So, Stop Watching Your Ex Instagram Stories

He may post pictures and videos of himself having fun and moving on, while you’re stuck in a position of helplessness and lowered self-esteem. The thing is, he knows you’re watching, and he’s posting those videos just to make you feel more miserable. So while you’re out of the relationship, he still has a way of controlling you. 

It Makes You Look Pathetic

Girl, even if you are desperate, do not show it. You know your ex. You’ve seen how he and his friends laugh over the slightest things they deem pathetic. Well, they’re probably doing that right now. It’s a cycle: you constantly watch your ex’s Instagram stories; he tells his friends about it; they all laugh about how desperate you are. If you’re watching his stories, you’re probably also in his dm’s. Have a little dignity.

It Prevents You From Moving On

If you don’t want to see your ex in a new relationship, you should stop the habit of watching their Instagram stories. If you haven’t gotten over them, you will start to feel bitter when you see him in a new relationship. The bitterness then spirals into low self-esteem, which leads to the thoughts such as, “Was I not good enough?” and “What can I do to become just like his new partner?”

Everything Is Not What I Seems

Instagram Stories don’t show everything. They only show a fraction of what things are. Your ex might be posting those stories to reel you in and manipulate you into thinking he’s doing much better without you, which can make you miserable. 

What You Can Do Instead When You Feel Like Watching Your Ex’s Status?

Live Your LifeRemember Why They Are  ExTake A Social Media BreakUnfollow  / Block Them

Live Your Life

You’re a busy person. You probably have a million other things that you could be doing. The time spent watching your ex’s Instagram Stories, spend them on something beneficial to you. Pick up a new hobby; start a book; take a trip; hang out with friends. Make a list of things you couldn’t do while in that relationship, and explore.

Remember Why They Are Your Ex

You know why you broke up with him: he cheated or didn’t prioritize you, or he’s manipulative, or you’re not in the right space of mind to be in a relationship. Whatever the reason may be, whenever you find yourself wanting to go back to check up on what your ex is doing, remember the reasons you called it quits. 

Take A Break From Social Media

Social Media has some perks, but increased usage has been proven to cause depression and anxiety. Now is your chance to take a break from social media and enjoy the world with all its beauty.

Unfollow / Block Your Ex

In cases where you have a business that requires you to communicate with clients via social media, it would be very near impossible to take a long break from social media. What you need to do now is to unfollow your ex. If you decide that you don’t want to see his posts on your feed, then take that step, and block him. While you’re at it, maybe block his friends too.


Now we have learnt “Should I Stop Watching My Ex Instagram Stories?”, What to do after a breakup is to take time for yourself to rebuild your self-confidence and self-esteem. What you shouldn’t do is spend hours upon hours on your ex’s social media accounts.

Frequently Asked Question

I don’t know how to move on. I go to my ex’s page because I’m still holding on to the hope that he will realize he needs me. How do I move on?

Answer: Give yourself time to grieve over the relationship. Liken it to placing a bandage over a physical wound. Your heart also needs to heal. When it is, pull off the scab.