Servco furniture warranty enables you to get furniture with a protection policy. The warranty covers most damages or furniture breakage if the event happens. This warranty has a five-year limit for the furniture you get from Servco. However, some terms govern how the warranty serves or works for everyone. 

Do you want to know more about Servco furniture warranty terms and conditions? Here is some excellent information you require about the warranty at Servco International. 

Terms Of Warranty Services

After purchasing furniture at Servco, one is eligible to get a cover from the Servco furniture warranty. This service will only be guaranteed if one request for it before five years is over. 

Since this warranty is not an insurance policy or maintenance contract, it will only cover some accidental breakage or structural breakdown issues. Also, other issues with accidental damage, which may be from such events of usual house usage, are guaranteed coverage. 

Otherwise, one should consider looking for a valid cover that the warranty would consider. Such information is always on the “WHAT IS COVERED” on a receipt from purchasing the furniture.  

Moreover, the five-year warranty limit is a cover that will only be issued to new furniture one would purchase from Servco. So, the receipt one would always have for the newly purchased item is helpful to get a service for a warranty request. 

Requirements For The Warranty Request

There are requirements that Servco furniture warranty will work with for one to get the benefits of the cover. The base requirement for warranty protection is that you request a cover within five years. 

 Also, the following requirements are essential to meet to get full service and regain the warranty terms of service:

You must have performed preventive maintenance routinely as the manufacturer suggest. Reporting on furniture stain or damage should be done to the SCS board using the contact (800) 8669636 within 30 days. This period starts from the time when the stain or damage will have occurred. So, keeping this in mind and acting upon it immediately will help keep the terms of service. The furniture should be soil-free or damage-free from the purchase store when one would be purchasing it. So taking home faulty furniture will not guarantee one a warranty cover.  

Service Procedures For Warrant Claiming

The SCS performs service procedures with issues of cover. So, if you claim your warranty cover, then the SCS must determine if you qualify for such with your furniture or not. 

So, if the terms of warranty service fit you, then the SCS will carry out either or all of the following:

Replace all damaged or affected sections of your furniture or its component.  You may get a refund for the price you used to purchase the item if the store servicing you is no longer in business.  Repair the stained or damaged parts or area of your item if need be.  You may be provided with a consultation or cleaning kit for removing such stains.   

What The Warranty Covers?

As mentioned earlier, the Servco warranty will cover most accidental damage or stain on the item. However, from “WHAT IS COVERED”, the following are inclusive:

Leather and fabric furnitureTear and wearing from repeated use of the furnitureIssues with component or mechanical breakageOther miscellaneous like stains and seasonal cracking


In summary, Servco international will offer a five years warranty plan that covers purchased furniture. So, if one gets furniture here, one can use their receipt to request a cover if any accidental damage happens to the item. However, even if your warranty plan may cover most of the damages or breakage, you will need to pay some purchase price for the warranty. Nevertheless, one should always consider using their warranty coverage to ensure their items look new daily. 

Is there a warranty for furniture at Servco International?

Servco Furniture offers a five years limit warranty plan. This plan is a protection cover that helps your newly purchased furniture get repaired or replaced if it experiences mechanical damage or stains. But this happens in less than five years as of the terms of services of the warranty requirements. 

Can I get a refund for a furniture purchase at Servco?

There are some instances where you get a refund when you would have qualified for a warranty cover. However, this only occurs if the store in which you would get the cover of your warranty is no longer working or the services are no longer offered. Then you get a refund of the price you used to get the furniture.