The authority, who likes to be unknown, on Sunday said a light lighting function was held in the Midi locale of Hajjah region to commend the forthcoming September Upheaval Day when four rockets arrived in and around the site.

The senior military officials, alongside many regular citizens, left the site only minutes before it was hit by the rockets, the authority said, adding the assault caused no setbacks, Xinhua news organization detailed.

The authority blamed the Houthi bunch for sending off the rockets, considering it an “evident arrangement to kill the public authority military officials and other neighborhood pioneers”.

The Houthi bunch, which controls huge wraps of northern Yemen, offered no remarks in regards to the rocket assault.

Yemen marks September Upheaval Day on September 26 every year to celebrate the defeat of the Imam Muhammad al-Badr on this day in 1962, which prompted the foundation of the Yemen Bedouin Republic.

Yemen has been buried in a nationwide conflict since late 2014 when the Iran-upheld Houthi state army held onto control of a few northern regions and constrained the Saudi-supported Yemeni government out of the capital Sanaa.

The conflict has killed huge number of individuals, uprooted 4 million, and drove the country to the edge of starvation.