If you feel free on the upcoming weekend, take some time to clean out and divide your old items for donation or selling. Once you find an item that could be an antique piece, ensure that you handle it with care until you find a buyer. Nowadays, a lot of people have a fascination to display antique pieces around their homes as decorative pieces. Numerous people go out and beyond to acquire an antique piece from local stores, online websites, or auctions. If you possess any antique item and want to sell it and make some profit, you must know some information before posting it for sale.
What Qualifies as an Antique Item?
An antique item is said to be antique when it is over 100 years old from the time and date of manufacturing. You must confirm the build of the product to be sure to sell the item. The price would also depend on whether the item is man-made or discovered naturally at a place. Any item, furniture, work of art, jewelry, utensils, or decorative pieces over 100 years old can be termed an antique item. If you are in possession of such an item that qualifies all the boxes, you can term the artifact as an antique item.
How to Sell Antique Items?
Antique items can be sold via online mediums, local flea markets, or auction places. Most of the time, online websites can help you quote an easy price and are able to sell the product conveniently. A local antique dealer majorly expert in this procedure of buying and selling antique items. They have a keen eye for spotting and appreciating rare items and quoting a fair price for them. Make sure that the store is reputable and has been in business for a long time. This eliminates all the risk factors including selling your goods at a minimal price as a credible business will always value the product’s aesthetics.
Websites That Sell Antique Items:
If you are looking to sell or buy any antique item, you must check out the following websites which give you the authority to sell your goods at your own pace.
eBay is an extraordinary website that started the process of reselling old items. It started from normal clothing, and furniture and went to selling vintage and antique products. eBay has probably more than 180 million users worldwide so the prices mentioned are always genuine. You can take up your product and be an eBay seller in the antiques section. You will have to specify the details of the artifact you intend to sell.
Bonanza is a curated website selling nothing more but vintage and antique products. It exclusively offers the sellers and buyers to choose something remarkable to attract the best price. You don’t have to pay any setup fee to advertise your product on Bonanza.
Etsy is an online website that encourages sellers to sell hand-crafted, aesthetic, and unique vintage or antique items. It charges a 20-cent listing fee and a 5% transaction fee once your item sells.
ArtFire is a website that sells antique and vintage items, especially handmade items. You have to open a shop to be able to sell your goods. The shop fees are different for different privileges. You can check out the website for more details.
Craigslist is similar to eBay and doesn’t have any listing fee or shop fee attached. You can set up the item you need to sell and buyers can negotiate and quote the price. Most of the buyers would always be near to where you live so you don’t have to ship your product.
Once you are sure of the antique piece you need to sell, you can hit up other websites like Offerup, Facebook Marketplace, Ruby Lane, or eBid. If you don’t feel comfortable posting your product online, you can surely look up the nearest flea markets and local antique stores that would price your product fairly. You can hunt for yard sales or pawn shops to auction off your favorite antique pieces with good profits
What are the top sites that could sell my antique item?
Etsy, Bonanza, and Craigslist are one of the top contenders for selling any antique product.
How do I value my antique?
You can value your antique on the WorthPoint app. WIth good amount of details, it will help you price your product.
How do I sell historical items?
There are various websites including Sotheby’s that will help you sell any historical item.